Many university offer on line e-learning program and course, but for university of the people (UoPeople) is unique and different. (UoPeople) is supported by United nations, Yale University, Ashoka, New York university, Hewlett Packard (Hp), PNB, OCW, and Clinton Global Initiative.
University of the people is the world's tuition free, non-profit, on line academic institution dedicated to opening access to higher education globally. The method of learning by combines peer-based and collaborative learning, with information technology and internet, online study communities, discuss, submit assignments and take exams. Student who study in University of the People will minimize the budget without sacrificing the quality of education. When you join and accepted as a student in University of People, you can start study by same learning model includes lessons, classes, discussions, readings, assignments and exam like any university. With flexible time to study, student receive maximum freedom in choosing their location and hours of study.
University of the People offers the following four undergraduate degrees: Associate (A.S.) and Bachelor (B.S.) degrees in Computer Science and Associate (A.S.) and Bachelor (B.S.) degrees in Business Administration. Then All Exam are administered online. To meet application requirements, the applicant needs to be over the age of 18, be able to demonstrate secondary school completion with the presentation of a certified diploma and a transcript, and be proficient in the English language.
If You are interested you explore more in University of People website to study e-learning, join with thousands of student from around the world, and good luck for your future and get your success.
If You want to star your application you can click here.